I received the Glade Sense & Spray from Bzz with the Clean Linen scented Spray.
The product is very easy to operate and everything is simple to install.
Whenever the S&S detects movement it will shoot a burst of scent into the air to freshen it. After that it locks for...I think 30 minutes so that it doesn't spray every time it detects movement, though you can push a button on the S&S to make it spray whenever you want.
The good: I like the timer and the fact that you can override the timer if you want more scent. I like that there are scent options, though they are too limited (4). I think that I would give Apples and Cinnamon and maybe Country Garden a shot. Powder Fresh, not so sure. And definitely not the Clean Linen again. It's easy to operate- it opens easily and it's simple to remove the cannister and install a new one. It can be hung or placed on a flat surface. It's not too expensive and Glade offers coupons often. You can't kill anyone by dousing them in spray, like you can with the cans (I swear I almost died from that once or twice- my boyfriend is spray-happy). It's nice to look at (totally beats a big can of spray).
The bad: I hated the Clean Linen scent. If you have it on a flat surface that is low, like the sink then you chance having it sprayed in your face if you don't remember to watch the warning lights. It's a little too strong for small spaces (my only bathroom is 6x9) but maybe I feel that way because I didn't like the scent. It only freshens the air for a short time, then any odors come back. I prefer that it make smells go away, not just mask them.
The decision: I am going to give different scents a try. I don't think this belongs in a bathroom, at least not the primary bathroom. If you have more than one, it would be good in a second, less-used bathroom. That would also extend its life, since it wouldn't detect movement much. Otherwise I think it belongs in the living room or a laundry room, depending on the scent choice.
*Note* I seem to be the only one who doesn't like the Clean Linen (besides Jason, who agrees with me). I showed the S&S to others and gave demonstrations and they ALL loved it- scent and all!
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